Quanto costa un ritratto, dove e come commissionarlo?

How much does a portrait cost? Where and how can you get it?

What’s a portrait? A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. For this reason, in photography a portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. A portrait often shows a person looking directly at the painter or photographer, in order to most successfully engage the subject with the viewer.

Here at 166Arte, a portrait is a great opportunity for a very personal and impressive gift. Choose your favorite format, (self-portrait? Group portrait? Children’s portrait? Pet portrait?); select the number of subjects to represent, you can request multiple portraits with two or more characters; attach the chosen photo and send the order to us!

In 2-3 days Master Andrea Mancini will turn your photo in an amazing work of art, handpainted, in digital or traditional technique! It will be a similar, one-of-a-kind, which you can exhibit printed on paper, on canvas or in an elegant frame to be hanging on the wall.

I will Paint your best friends
Price for this Downloaded portrait is €39,00 (the lowest price)

Here you can quickly get a digital portrait for a few dollars (Andrea Mancini is a master of digital painting) or – for some dollars more – a very traditional watercolor on paper. A precious work signed and authenticated that will have no competitors!

Check out the portrait commissions: I will paint your portraits | I will paint your Children | I will paint your best friends | I will paint your Watercolor Portraits.

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I will paint your portrait in digital
I will paint your portrait in digital

Dipingo il tuo ritratto in digitale Andrea Mancini Ordina ed acquista anche...

I will paint your children
I will paint your children

Dipingo i tuoi piccoli Andrea Mancini da una foto inviata qui. Ordina...

I will paint your best friends
I will paint your best friends

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Il tuo ritratto da una foto
Your portrait download

Il tuo ritratto in digitale Andrea Mancini Realizzerò per te qualsiasi ritratto:...

Andrea Mancini, Copertoni, olio su tela 70×100
Andrea Mancini, i Tulipani 2006, olio su tela 80×60
Andrea Mancini, Libri in partenza 2010, olio su tela 40×50
Andrea Mancini, I girasoli, 2007 olio su tela 80×60